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Whisper Eyes

716,197 Downloads 3,176 Thanks  Thanks 584 Favourited 459,657 Views
Uploaded: 6th Sep 2018 at 3:02 AM
Updated: 17th Mar 2023 at 7:02 AM - Update: Infants. Fixed Vampire floating!
UPDATE 15/03/2023 - Now fixed for infants!
- Also fixed Vampire eyes being strange and floating on other ages: redownload the replacements file and download the extra file for infants if you'd like it!

These eyes have been up for a while on my Simblr, but I forgot to upload them here, so here they are for anybody who may like them!
  • For all ages/genders
  • 39 Colours
  • Default replacements, non-defaults or contacts
  • Vampire Replacements
  • Alien Replacements

If you choose default replacements, please make sure that you don't have any other default replacement eye files in your mods folder, or they will conflict and you won't be able to change your sims eyes.
The contacts can be found in the Face Paint section, and the Non-Defaults can be found with the other eye colours. They are essentially extra swatches, and won't replace anything.

If I've missed anything, you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me via message, I'll get back to you asap

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